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Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm at Peace

I had an opportunity to see and listen to Ms. Vicki Yohe minister this song a few days ago and it sparkled this thought. The songs goes like this......................

I'm at peace
Even though my heart is breaking
I'm at peace
I never thought I would be shaken
But You came and laid Your hands on me and now...
Oh oh Lord, You came and laid Your hands on me and now
I can see, my storm has moved away

I'm at peace
Even though I'm not worthy
I'm at peace
Even though I cannot see
Oh oh Lord, You died for me on Calvary and now...
Oh oh, You died for me on Calvary and now
I can see, my storm... (Come on, can you point to your storm right now?)
My storm has moved away

I'm at, I'm at peace
(Come on, you oughta lift your hands and thank Him for peace)
Even though my heart is breaking
I'm at peace
I never thought I would be shaken, oh Lord
I remember the day Lord, I remember the moment Lord
You came and laid Your hands on me and now...
Oh oh Lord, You died for me on Calvary and now...
I can see, my storm has moved away
You came and laid Your hands on me and now...
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
You came and laid Your hands on me and now...
It will be all over in the morning
You came and laid Your hand on me and now...
I can see, my storm has moved away.

Daddy has been with the Lord for seven months now. And when I think about the last two years of his life and ours. This song declares it all! During those two years, our lives changed more then we could ever imagine. However, God took us through that storm, not around it, over it, or under it but THROUGH IT. He took us THROUGH it and as Ms. Yohe sings, "we can see clearly now the rain is gone". People often say to my mom as well as to myself how beautiful we look, how she glows, and how happy we are. YES, we are all those things and more because WE ARE AT PEACE. Although, we miss him greatly and would give anything for him to be with us now, we know that he's a peace because his storm is now over, too. 

No matter how you identify your struggle, they are all storms and if you just allow God to do what he does, you will come through. Maybe with a scar or two, maybe damp and musty, maybe dry as a bone, or maybe white as snow...............you will come through and you will stronger in the end!! 

Be blessed!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Boys to Men.............

It's May 10, 2013, the past couple of months has been quite interesting. I have finally decided that I'm done with classroom teaching, I'm tired of the environment, I'm ready for a new challenge. I come into the building with hopes of a refresh feeling that things will be different.  As I digress, I'm learning that dealing with children, especially boys of all ethnic backgrounds are emotional draining. What I'm truly coming to understand is that boys that are being raised by single moms have a more challenging time with their social emotional behavior than not.  I'm so concern that these young boys, who will be men one day will not meet the expectations of society and/or the community as a whole. It truly pains my heart that they may not ever come to grips with their true selves. I now see why our jails are overpacked and graves are many with our boys turned men. It is so true that boys need a male figure in their lives. Women can't do it all!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Movin' kits despite how you feel

Wow! Today has been three weeks of my dad's transition.  Hmmm, that explains why I'm feeling some kind of way. God has a way of doing things that just leaves us feeling confused. And that confusion can cloud our judgement, although it shouldn't. However, we have to stay on course, keep the faith, and reframe from distraction of what the prize truly is for our lives. Although, my dad is sitting up in heaven watching over his girls (mommy, Bri, and myself) there's still a void that brings some level of confusion to my humanness spirit. This void juggles my emotions and places me in a space where "movin kits" feels impossible. However, I can't allow that confusing spirit to hold me back to what my calling may be. As Pastor T.D. Jakes states, "It is possible for you to get a grip on the thing that used to have a grip on you. And instead of it controlling you...you are now controlling it". And with that said, I will not allow this spirit of confusion overtake me that I don't control making my destiny fruitful and productive.

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Something about the #1

God has a great sense of humor!

The number one has developed a new meaning. How so, you may ask??
My daddy took ill January 2011, he transitioned in January 2013, he was buried during the one o'clock hour, he transitioned during the one o'clock hour, I'm an only child, I was an ace when pledging Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and daddy services took place at 11 o'clock, however if you add 1 + 1 you get 2 and subtract 2 - 1 you are back to 1. See, this number is or has become an integral part of my life.

Man, God sure has a sense of humor!!

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It is well!

Over the past 24 months, he has struggled with a lung disease called Stage 4 COPD/Emphysema. These past 2 year has really changed the scope of our lives. For most, the scope of change would anger and frustrate individuals or the scope of change would have given individuals an excuse to give up. The scope of change has taught me in particular to embrace what God has in store. The scope of change has strengthen my faith even more in Christ. The scope of change has taught me that no matter what may come, it is well. I'm so blessed to have had my daddy as my main character in my story called LIFE. Although, this chapter is finished and a new one begins, I know that he will always be here; in my heart. His spirit will live in me for the next several chapters in my book of LIFE.

Daddy, it is well!! You are now resting with grandma and grandpa Kinder, grandma Ruby, grandpa Bud, your home skillet Uncle Joe, Uncle Good, Uncle Pat, and a host of family and friends. Mommy, Bri, Auntie, and I will be alright. We know that you are still going to be watching and taking care of us from heaven. Love you!!

Be Blessed!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What is it about January?

2011 began had an unpredictable start. 2012 began had an unusual start as well. Now, it's 2013 and it seems we are at the drawing board, yet again. This time,  however, the question is how do we manage this time around??? I'm prayerful that God has equip us in order that we may stand strong and push through the stuff that holds us back and keep us bound. This can be be financial, spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, and more. I'm standing firm that whatever has to come, whatever doesn't come, and whatever is here and I'm ignoring it will see and know what because of who I am and whose I am, it might as well take a sit or disappear.

Be Blessed!

Friday, January 11, 2013

There's nothing like friendship

There's a saying that God brings people into your life for a reason, season, or a life time. There's nothing like knowing you have friends who will stick through all your foolery, drama, heartaches, headaches, or what have you. I am so blessed and grateful to a few circles like that, those sisters that stand in the gap no manner what. And when I'm off my game, they are there to check me in love. Friendships are like flowers, with some water (time), some fertilizer (commitment/dedication), and some sun (God) life is so worth living.

Be blessed!!