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Friday, November 30, 2012

Adoption Month is every month

Family is so important. For most of us, we have been blessed beyond measure and have our families in tact. As children we didn't have a worry in the world. However, some children aren't that forunate. The crazy thing is children don't ask to be here but they are always the butt of abuse and drama at the hand of their irresponsible adults called parents.

If I could I would be like the little lady in the shoe. I would have as many as the house or shoe would hold. I'm so blessed to have my daughter, who was adopted in June 2007. What a blessing!! Lately, I think about beginning the journey again. However, I believe I need to give myself the opportunity to connect with my Adam and see what happens. No need for distractions or obstacles in the process. I sense another blessing coming - How?? I'm not quite sure, whether it be nature process or the adoption process. Let's pray that God will soften hearts and welcome that little boy or little girl into their families and love them up something good!!!

Be Blessed!

Where has the year gone!?!?

To God be the glory!! Today is the last day of November 2012. A day that we will never see again. I pray that we make the best of this day and give God I'm best as he does all the time.

So much has taken place during 2012, ups, downs, and in betweens. However, I am blessed despite the failures and the obstacles. God has covered my life, my daughter, my parents, my coworkers and their families, my family, my extended family, and I could go on and on. He is truly amazing, so We Must Praise as J. Moss testifies in song. 

I wish for all that  the year ends in a way that fulfills all your hopes and dreams. And for 2013, I DECLARE AND DECREE that God will do something that's the BOOM.COM and blow our minds that (like always) will leave us speechless.

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The meaning of Thanksgiving

As a little girl, Thanksgiving didn't have much meaning. However, as a BIG little girl, I've grown to understand what it means and how that meaning truly effects who I am and what being thankful is. As I reflect on last year this time, my family was going through a valley which was cloudy and gray. We spent our Thanksgiving without the man of the house being at the house. Our holiday was spent in Newark Beth Israel Hospital.

As the days progressed, so did his health. God only knows the struggle we faced not too mention his struggle, his fight. My daddy's health declined right in front of my very eyes. His breathing was limited, he lost all strength in his legs and therefore couldn't walk, because of the limitation of his breathing he was depended upon a by-pap machine to help him breath. He couldn't take his medications orally, he couldn't eat, it was just a journey that went from a cloudy and gray day to a Hurricane/Tornado. My momma would watch her boo, bestie, love of her life, slowly dissolve away.

Followers.................GOD IS A DELIVER AND HEALER! I watched God turn my daddy's being around from the walking dead (figuratively) to a man with hope and life. Today, I am thankful because this past August my daddy was able to walk into his home; a place he hadn't seen since December 8, 2012 with life and energy in his spirit. Is he 100?, no! However, he is most definitely a miracle. As Israel Houghton shared, "The atmosphere of expectation is the breeding ground for a miracle".

Be Blessed!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Defining my worship

Tonight Pastor Robinson preached on "Defining worship"-
Defining worship
2 Cor. 5
Pastor Robinson

We think about what The Lord had done for me - it can come in forms of singing, dancing, shouting, crying, and/or instruments,etc.

Worship is my reasonable response to the realization and the reason and the ramifications of my relationship with God.

Worship is rooted in :
1) relationship/ramifications

personal, purchase, permanent
access, accept, assist
2) reasons
design, desire, devoted
3) realization
awareness, acceptance, appreciation
4) response
individual, independent, intentional
5) reasonable
sensible, suitable, sufficient

I realize my worship is defined through dance. I love, love to dance. It can be to any kind of music. I'm even learning to enjoy line dancing. I realized several years ago that dance was my gift. The enemy seems to be attacking my body but I have news for him.....................STOP!! The ministry will take flight and God is going to do some miraculous things with us.

I'm excited!!

Be blessed!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Get your financial garden to blossom!

I've come to a dead-end and realize I need to make some changes in my life. Because I'm fairly transparent in terms of sharing my ups and downs. I learned a while back that doing so not only helps me but it can help someone else who's going through something similar and need a way out.

Let me be real, financially my life is like a fat girl trying to loose weight. It's up and down. And when it's down it's a hot damn mess. I've gone as far as robbing Peter to pay Paul and find out that Paul isn't getting paid properly and Peter is mad as hell too because he's not getting his, as well. I had a revelation and finally figured out that I have to resolve this foolishness of a trap I have dug myself in. I'm so thankful for friends who's situations are better in terms on knowing how to move forward and get things in it's right perspective. One friend in particular and I will call her Frugal Fannie, has developed a plan for me and is guiding me through the entire plan. I'm so thankful for her and her willingness. What's so funny to me is my mom has tried, however, this level of assistance is provided without judgement; Love MomDukes dearly,  but hmmm............

My prayer is that things will pan themselves out and I can start seeing (AGAIN) the fruits of my labor!

Be Blessed!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

National Adoption Month

People always think foster care produces bad children. There are some beautiful children waiting to be loved and cared for. I'm one of the blessed ones! Brianna A. Horne came into my life August 2004. When I encountered this little girl I wondered how does she feel, what are her hopes and dreams. I was so excited about meeting her and my heart was filled when I finally laid eyes on her. 

We spend a couple of weekends together, then I knew..........I didn't want to wait another weekend to see her, then I knew we can't be apart and I sealed the deal on paper. I wanted her to be around and apart of my life forever. Then October 2004, that little girl became apart of my household. 

Still excited but nervous, I wouldn’t make a good mom or didn't know what I was about to embark on. On the first day of her moving in she asked, "can I call you mommy" in my heart I was like OMG!! I told her yes! Our lives at that point were forever changed. 

Our journey hasn't been all peaches and cream but with the assistance of the village and the guidance and grace of God, we make it.

June 2007, it was OFFICIAL! This little girl became BRIANNA ANTOINETTE KINDER ..........She was my daughter in my heart back in August 2004. I'm so blessed to have her and our lives are so rich because we have one another. Brianna, mommy loves you so much and I thank God for you every day. And I'm especially grateful to your birthmom.

It's National adoption month, a child can make a world of difference in a person's life!!

Week 11 and still pushing!

Welp! it's week 11 of  my doctoral class. It looks like two papers are due by Sunday. Lord, please get my mind right to get focus and handle my business by Sunday at 5pm. This is one time that I kind of wish I had done this sooner. However,  not sure if that would have been feasible. Being a mommy and a single mommy at that life can get a little extra. However, God does everything for a reason. Granted, during this time  around I am running into a small hiccup but I'm confident that I will prevail even if it sets me back a quarter.

Life is all about moving forward, having no regrets, and understand that this too shall pass!

Be Blessed!!


I swear to goodness, one day this will be right...............NOT over, but right!!
Trying to get things in a better order and the enemy is cock-blocking. I have news for him ..........................JUST SIT YOUR behind down!! I'm going to be the VICTOR!!!

First Quarter

Folks just don't understand how excited I am that my daughter has overcome the odds of being dimissed and thought of as having social/emotional issues. Her sophmore year, at a school in Howard County (which will remain nameless) was about to write her off. As her momma, it was my duty to get to the bottom of why my child, who use to obtain honor roll status and just do well overall had gone down hill. I mean failing badly academically and it was looking hopeless in terms of what college she would have an option of going. I spent countless days, minutes, and hours, fussing and cussing daily about why she wasn't doing well, causing so much stress on me, her and the household in general. We, as parents are quick to blame the company they keep,etc. and a small percentage was that. However, the bottom line was she had issues with focusing and distractions. The teacher reports (all 7-9 of them) stated that that was a big issue for her. So, after constant meetings at her school and fighting to assure her success, I moved forward and took her to her primary care doctor. After reviewing all the documents, he asked me "what is the school doing?" when I explain what their take was he made it clear, that wasn't her issue. My child's issue wasn't social/emotional at all, her issue was FOCUS. Granted, I'm not one to be the first in line to medicate a child, however, I knew this is what was needed to order for my child to regain her love of school and feel accomplished. So, April 18, 2012, that move was made and every since things have been better. And after deciding the medication move and then deciding to move her from that school (which still will remain nameless) and transferring to the MCPS school district (where she should have probably stayed) she finished her first quarter as a JUNIOR with a 3.71...................Hot damn, she is doing the doggone thing and to just think where we were last school year, I praise God for deliverance and guidance through this journey.