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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The meaning of Thanksgiving

As a little girl, Thanksgiving didn't have much meaning. However, as a BIG little girl, I've grown to understand what it means and how that meaning truly effects who I am and what being thankful is. As I reflect on last year this time, my family was going through a valley which was cloudy and gray. We spent our Thanksgiving without the man of the house being at the house. Our holiday was spent in Newark Beth Israel Hospital.

As the days progressed, so did his health. God only knows the struggle we faced not too mention his struggle, his fight. My daddy's health declined right in front of my very eyes. His breathing was limited, he lost all strength in his legs and therefore couldn't walk, because of the limitation of his breathing he was depended upon a by-pap machine to help him breath. He couldn't take his medications orally, he couldn't eat, it was just a journey that went from a cloudy and gray day to a Hurricane/Tornado. My momma would watch her boo, bestie, love of her life, slowly dissolve away.

Followers.................GOD IS A DELIVER AND HEALER! I watched God turn my daddy's being around from the walking dead (figuratively) to a man with hope and life. Today, I am thankful because this past August my daddy was able to walk into his home; a place he hadn't seen since December 8, 2012 with life and energy in his spirit. Is he 100?, no! However, he is most definitely a miracle. As Israel Houghton shared, "The atmosphere of expectation is the breeding ground for a miracle".

Be Blessed!


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