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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Defining my worship

Tonight Pastor Robinson preached on "Defining worship"-
Defining worship
2 Cor. 5
Pastor Robinson

We think about what The Lord had done for me - it can come in forms of singing, dancing, shouting, crying, and/or instruments,etc.

Worship is my reasonable response to the realization and the reason and the ramifications of my relationship with God.

Worship is rooted in :
1) relationship/ramifications

personal, purchase, permanent
access, accept, assist
2) reasons
design, desire, devoted
3) realization
awareness, acceptance, appreciation
4) response
individual, independent, intentional
5) reasonable
sensible, suitable, sufficient

I realize my worship is defined through dance. I love, love to dance. It can be to any kind of music. I'm even learning to enjoy line dancing. I realized several years ago that dance was my gift. The enemy seems to be attacking my body but I have news for him.....................STOP!! The ministry will take flight and God is going to do some miraculous things with us.

I'm excited!!

Be blessed!

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