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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Get your financial garden to blossom!

I've come to a dead-end and realize I need to make some changes in my life. Because I'm fairly transparent in terms of sharing my ups and downs. I learned a while back that doing so not only helps me but it can help someone else who's going through something similar and need a way out.

Let me be real, financially my life is like a fat girl trying to loose weight. It's up and down. And when it's down it's a hot damn mess. I've gone as far as robbing Peter to pay Paul and find out that Paul isn't getting paid properly and Peter is mad as hell too because he's not getting his, as well. I had a revelation and finally figured out that I have to resolve this foolishness of a trap I have dug myself in. I'm so thankful for friends who's situations are better in terms on knowing how to move forward and get things in it's right perspective. One friend in particular and I will call her Frugal Fannie, has developed a plan for me and is guiding me through the entire plan. I'm so thankful for her and her willingness. What's so funny to me is my mom has tried, however, this level of assistance is provided without judgement; Love MomDukes dearly,  but hmmm............

My prayer is that things will pan themselves out and I can start seeing (AGAIN) the fruits of my labor!

Be Blessed!!

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