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Friday, November 30, 2012

Adoption Month is every month

Family is so important. For most of us, we have been blessed beyond measure and have our families in tact. As children we didn't have a worry in the world. However, some children aren't that forunate. The crazy thing is children don't ask to be here but they are always the butt of abuse and drama at the hand of their irresponsible adults called parents.

If I could I would be like the little lady in the shoe. I would have as many as the house or shoe would hold. I'm so blessed to have my daughter, who was adopted in June 2007. What a blessing!! Lately, I think about beginning the journey again. However, I believe I need to give myself the opportunity to connect with my Adam and see what happens. No need for distractions or obstacles in the process. I sense another blessing coming - How?? I'm not quite sure, whether it be nature process or the adoption process. Let's pray that God will soften hearts and welcome that little boy or little girl into their families and love them up something good!!!

Be Blessed!

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